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Published: 10.04.2024

Weirdest sports around the world

Quidditch. Quidditch. Regball. Regball, or rugball, is a brutal Russian sport that combines basketball, wrestling, and rugby. Soapbox Racing. Soapbox racing. Cheese Rolling. Cheese rolling. Underwater Hockey. Underwater hockey.
Photo: weirdest sports around the world

A-Z List Of Weird Sports · Axe Throwing · Bog Snorkelling · Bossaball · Cheese Rolling · Chess Boxing · Cycleball · Extreme Ironing · Giant Pumpkin Kayaking. 20 weird sports around the world. Sports are a popular form of Fireball soccer makes the cut on the list of the weirdest sports in the world. Inhe published his first photography book, Weird Sports, which compiled hundreds of photos of bizarre sports, from cardboard tube. The weirdest sports around the world Strangest Sports In The World · Kabaddi · 9. Sepak Takraw · 8. Zorbing · 7. Chess Boxing · 6. Extreme Ironing · 5. Hornussen · 4. Bossaball · 3. Cheese.

30 Weird Sports Played Across The World

Which sport is the oldest human skill? Final answer: Horseback riding may be one of the oldest human skills, dating back to at least 4500 BCE in Central Asia.

What is the top 5 oldest sport? Summary

  1. Oldest extreme sport - cliff diving.
  2. Oldest ball game - Mesoamerican ulama/ Tsu Chu.
  3. Oldest Olympic sport - stade (running)
  4. Oldest combat sport – wrestling.
  5. Oldest team sport.

What's the world's weirdest sport? 10 Weirdest Sports in the World

  • Sepak Takraw (Malayasia) ...
  • Hornussen (Switzerland) ...
  • Buzkashi (Afghanistan) ...
  • Bossaball (Spain) ...
  • Ferret-legging (England) ...
  • Kabaddi (Bangladesh) ...
  • Capoeira (Brazil) ...
  • Yukigassen (Japan) Here's a sport most kids could relate to: a giant snowball fight.

Which is the oldest sport? pure battle of skill between two opponents with the. aim of pinning or throwing their rival to the mat.

What is the most unique sports? 7 most unusual sports you won't see at the 2022 Olympics and where to play them

  • Sheep shearing, New Zealand. Competitive sheep shearing? ...
  • Lawnmower racing, UK. ...
  • Lucha libre, Mexico. ...
  • Wife carrying, Finland. ...
  • Kabaddi, India. ...
  • Chess boxing, worldwide. ...
  • Call of Duty Championship, US.

Which is the rarest sport in the world? 10 Unusual Sports

  • Soapbox Racing. ...
  • Cheese Rolling. ...
  • Underwater Hockey. ...
  • Canal Jumping. ...
  • Ear Pull. ...
  • Death Diving. ...
  • Bossaball. Bossaball. ...
  • Bo-taoshi. Bo-taoshi is a Japanese sport that is somewhat similar to capture-the-flag.

Complete List of Unusual Sports

Each team, kitted in snorkel gear, attempts to score a goal at the bottom of the pool using a weighted ball filled with saltwater. The ball must never leave the water and can only physically travel about metres when passed. Unicycle Basketball is a variation of the traditional game but where all of the players are mounted on unicycles during play. Unicycle Hockey is exactly as it sounds — hockey but on unicycles.

Each team is comprised of 5 players who must have both feet on the unicycle at all times. Unicycle Polo uses unicycles in place of horses. Originally invented in Finland, Wife Carrying is a sport that involves a male competitor racing through 2 dry obstacles and 1 water obstacle approximately 1m deep all whilst carrying a female teammate. The female must weigh at least lb 49 kg or additional weight will be added to her.

Teams who complete the course in the shortest time win with additional prizes for best costume, etc. These sorts of competitions are often found at places, such as state fairs and agricultural shows, and have been around since Worm charming is a competitive sport with the aim of attracting earthworms out of the ground.

The competitor to charm the most worms within a set period of time and a set zone on the ground wins. In , Sophie Smith of England aged 10 set the world record with worms. It is generally used on hills, but can also be used on water, as well as flat surfaces. Orbs with no harnesses can carry up to three people, whereas a harnessed orb can only carry 1 or 2.

Weird Sports Some sports are played by millions of people all around the world. Axe Throwing Popular at lumberjack competitions, axe throwing is a sport in which players throw an axe at a target, attempting to reach the bulls eye. Bog Snorkelling Bog Snorkelling takes place in a metre-long water-filled trench carved out of a peat bog comprised of dead plant material.

Bossaball Originating in Spain, Bossaball comprises elements of volleyball, football soccer , gymnastics, and capoeira. Chess Boxing Unsurprisingly, Chess Boxing involves both the classic game of chess and the popular sport of boxing. Verne Equinox Shutterstock. Weirdest sports around the world Giant Pumpkin Kayaking Giant Pumpkin Kayaking is quite simply the sport of kayaking inside of a giant, hollowed-out pumpkin.

Outhouse Racing In Outhouse Racing, an outhouse outdoor toilet is kitted with wheels, brakes, and a steering system and is raced down hills with competitors sitting on the toilet seat inside. Parkour Parkour is the act of running, jumping, swinging, climbing, etc. Goanna pulling, Among the Weird Sports in the world Australians have a lot of free time on their hands!

The sport of goanna pulling originated in the 19 th century to honor the giant lizard native to the continent. Experience everything Amazing with best Australia tour packages. Not everyone dreamt of being Power Rangers as kids. Some wanted to be the creatures!

Jugger, Among the Weird Sports in the world This one takes games to the next level. To even dream of making this game a reality would be insanity, the casualties being the least of worries. Hence, the team has been toned down considerably, without losing any of its charms. All the weaponry and the dog skull are replaced with foam-covered props. Milk carton regatta Waste not, want not.

The people who came up with this race took the phrase way too seriously. Photo: weirdest sports around the world Milk carton regattas are when racers fashion boats and floating devices out of used milk cartons. They compete to be the fastest vessel, or at least the last one left afloat. Pun intended!

It is played in a circular court and is a mashup of squash and tennis. Beer mile There is no other sport so much like a college-worthy event as this. Beer mile is as the name suggests, runners running around a track, stopping for a quick beer between every lap. It goes without saying that barfing is expected!

Next time you are hanging out with your friends, keep your lawyer alongside you. Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 Winter in New Zealand is a fascinating season with a mix of snowy mountains, clear days, and unique experiences. It lasts from June to August, but the winter vibe varies across the North and South Islands due to […].

Singapore is celebrated not only for its stunning skyline but also for its rich cultural heritage and diverse population. From […]. Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 Embarking on a journey to the hill station of Ooty need not be a financial burden. Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 A balanced mind and body play a vital role in supporting physical health. It can enhance your immune system, regulate sleep patterns, and even positively impact your cardiovascular health.

However, with the hustle and bustle of daily life, […]. Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 The Dubai skyline is a stunning display of architectural wonders that truly capture the eye and ignite the imagination. This spiritual sanctuary, known as Darbar Sahib or Harmandir Sahib, attracts devotees and tourists with its golden grace.

It offers […]. Reading Time: 6 minutes 0 0 Gujarati food is a colourful mix of tasty vegetarian dishes deeply rooted in its culture. It is famous for snacks like dhokla and fafda and sweet treats like jalebi and basundi. Influenced by Jain, Hindu, and Muslim traditions, […].

Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 As the new year begins, people make resolutions, and for many, the excitement of travelling is at the forefront of their plans. January in India brings a unique blend of excitement and exploration, marked by ideal temperatures ranging […]. Reading Time: 7 minutes 0 0 Ayodhya is a significant city in Uttar Pradesh with a rich history and cultural heritage.

The city is famous for its ancient Indian civilization and religious significance, centred around the Sarayu River. Reading Time: 5 minutes 1 0 In the heart of Ayodhya, a city that echoes the ancient tales of the Ramayana, stands the magnificent Ayodhya Ram Temple. The Ayodhya Ram Mandir stands as a symbol deeply rooted in the rich faith and culture.

As […]. Comprising a mesmerising archipelago of 36 islands, Lakshadweep is a paradise for coast lovers and avid tourists. Formerly known as […]. Reading Time: 7 minutes 0 0 Embarking on the journey of marital bliss takes a delightful turn as couples increasingly choose Lakshadweep as their dream destination for their honeymoon.

The archipelago, nestled in the lap of the Laccadive Sea, has become the latest sensation, […]. Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 Lakshadweep is a pristine archipelago of coral islands off the southwestern coast of India. Its untouched beauty, vibrant marine life, and unique cultural blend attract travellers. Planning a trip to Lakshadweep requires careful consideration of its remote location […].

Reading Time: 8 minutes 0 0 Lakshadweep is a mesmerising archipelago tucked away in the Arabian Sea. Top defense nfl 2024 Pumpkins do capsize, but don't worry, there are rescue boats on hand. The game, adapted from the mythical broom-flying sport of Harry Potter, began as an intramural sport at Middlebury College.

It quickly spread throughout the nation's universities, and now more than colleges have the sport. Players mimic the fictional flying version of the game by holding broomsticks between their legs and attempt to hurl balls through round hoops at opposite ends of the field, much the same as in the book. Kabaddi originated in South Asia and is a combination or wrestling, tag, and holding one's breath.

Two teams of seven players stand on opposite sides of a field and take turns sending a 'raider' into the opponent's territory. The defenders must link arms and cannot break their chain. The raider attempts to tag the defenders while they try to stop him from returning to his side before taking a breath.

The raider must chant the word 'Kabaddi' the whole time. The sport combines elements of rugby and wrestling as opponents struggle to keep one another from being tagged and returning to the opposing side. If it sounds confusing, that's because it is. Cycleball is another combo sport, featuring elements of bicycling, soccer, hockey, and basketball.

Players bicycle around a small court and try to smack a ball into the goal using the wheels of their bicycles. Players must keep their feet off the floor or else the other team is awarded a penalty kick. There are two players on each team, and one usually hangs back as a kind of sweeper. Read next.

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It symobilizes a website link url. Copy Link. Weirdest sports around the world Extreme Ironing. Wife Carrying.