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Published: 08.04.2024

Strangest sports in the world

Wife-Carrying (Finland) If you thought the Finns were progressive and all about gender equality, think again. Sepak Takraw (Malayasia). Hornussen (Switzerland). Buzkashi (Afghanistan). Bossaball (Spain).
Photo: strangest sports in the world

Here is an alphabetical list of over unusual sports, which we have discovered around the world. Some of the sports listed below are quite mainstream sports. Robert A. Heinlein's novel Stranger in a Strange Land follows the challenges a human raised on Mars faces while trying to relate to customs on Earth. An. The 10 Strangest Sports In The World · Kabaddi · 9. Sepak Takraw · 8. Zorbing · 7. Chess Boxing · 6. Extreme Ironing · 5. Hornussen · 4. Bossaball · 3. Cheese. Top 10 Strange strangest sports in the world Bizarre Sports · Kabaddi · 9. Wife-Carrying · 8. Zorbing · 7. Chess Boxing · 6. Yukigassen · 5. Bossaball · 4. Ferret-legging · 3.

The 10 Strangest Sports In The World

What are the wacky sports events? Ban'ei — a Japanese horse race which requires a draft horse to pull a weighted sled through sand. Botaoshi — a tough and crazy game like capture the flag played in Japan. Bed Racing — racing in your sleep. Beer Can Regatta — recycling empties.

Baseball has been regarded as the national sport since the late 19th century, with Major League Baseball (MLB) being the top league, while American football is now by several measures the most popular spectator sport, with the National Football League (NFL) having the highest average attendance of any sports league in ...

Is chess a sport yes or no? Yes, chess is recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as a sport.

What sport is truly American? Baseball

What is the strangest sport in the world? 10 Weirdest Sports in the World

  • Kabaddi (Bangladesh)
  • Ferret-legging (England) ...
  • Bossaball (Spain) ...
  • Camel Racing (Australia) ...
  • Buzkashi (Afghanistan) ...
  • Hornussen (Switzerland) ...
  • Sepak Takraw (Malayasia) ...
  • Wife-Carrying (Finland) If you thought the Finns were progressive and all about gender equality, think again. ...

Top 10 Strange and Bizarre Sports

Click on the sports names below for more detailed information about each unusual sport. See also my top 10 favorite unusual sports and this site's 10 most viewed unusual sports. Planning a holiday. See this list sorted by country. Do you have a suggestion. Another sport to add to the list. Then, contact me. Well not every sport, as there is a list of unusual sports , extinct sports and newly created sports.

How to get on these lists. Sepak takraw players are only allowed to hit the ball with their feet, knees, or chin. The players on the opposing team then try to knock the puck out of the air with schindels, big placards on long sticks, that they toss into the air. Teams consist of 18 players and games are played in 4 quarters.

In Afghanistan, the game was banned under Taliban rule, but is now being played again. Matches typically occur on Fridays and draw thousands of fans, with the most popular riders being sponsored by wealthy Afghanis. The sport is regulated by the Afghan Olympic Federation. Camel racing, like horse racing, is a popular spectator sport and betting is encouraged. Camel beauty pageants are often held in conjunction with camel races, and some places have a marketplace and serve or sell camel products such as camel milk.

Bossaball is a truly international kind of sport. Strangest sports in the world It was created by a Belgian, first played in Spain and incorporates soccer, volleyball, gymanstics and Brazilian capoeira. The court consists of 2 trampolines on either side of a net, surrounded by an inflatable surface.

One person from each team occupies the trampoline on their side of the net. One of these players is the attacker and they serve the ball. The opposing team must try to return the ball back over the net with no more than 5 contacts. Not only is it fun to play, but it also looks amazing, with competitors performing aerial acrobatics as they bounce around the court.

This strange sport comes from Yorkshire, England, where it apparently originated among coal miners. Some speculate that the sport may have arisen from a time when only the wealthy were allowed to keep animals for hunting, so poachers had to hide their ferrets. The sport has existed for a long time, but became quite popular in the s, and was revived with a competition in Richard between and Kabbadi is a contact sport that mixes wrestling and capture the flag.

Kabbadi is popular in many countries, including India, Pakistan, Japan and Iran, but Bangladesh has embraced kabaddi as its national sport. Sometimes known as the Dance of War, capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that blends dance, music and acrobatics into a thrilling match.