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Published: 20.12.2023

Should you hit on 16

In general, if you have a hand that totals 17 or higher, you should stand. If your total is between 13 and It depends. According to most Basic Strategy, you would hit on a hard 16 when the dealer upcard is a 7,8,9,10, or face card, including Aces. › blackjack › comments › when_to_hit_on_16_is_there_a. Hard yes, hit when dealer has 7-A. Surrender 9-A (if allowed). Stand against 10 if the count is positive at all. If not counting, you have. › blog › how-to-know-when-to-hit-on-sixteen.
Photo: should you hit on 16

Then those with soft 16 will want hit vs. 2 and 3 and double down vs. 4, 5 or 6. Don't hit the wall at 16, like the player at. For example, if you have a “hard” 16 (e.g. ) you should stand if the dealer shows a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. However, if you have A-5, and a “soft”. As much as you don't want to hit that 16, your odds of winning—although still in the negative—are 10% better when you do. Should you hit on 16 to basic. If your card hand totals 16, you should stand if the dealer shows a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Do you hit on 12? If you have a card hand that totals

Blackjack Strategy: Hit or Stand?

Should you surrender on 16? Surrendering a Hard 16 vs. Dealer's 9, 10, or Ace can save you around 75% of your bet in the long run. Meanwhile, surrendering a Hard 15 vs. Dealer's 10 can save you around 60% of your bet also.

Should you hit on 16 against 10? Under the same conditions, hitting on a hard 16 against a 9, 10 or ace will lose about 74 percent of the time. In other words, playing a hard 16 results in a loss about 75 percent of the time - proof that we zealots are correct when we say that it doesn't really matter if you hit or stand.

Do I hit on a hard 16? This is where blackjack strategy comes into play. The general rule of thumb is this: if you have a hard 16 (no ace,) and the dealer's upcard is 7 or higher, you should consider hitting. While hitting on 16 against a strong dealer card may seem counterintuitive, statistics and probabilities back this strategy.

Should I hit if I have 16 in blackjack? If you hit the 16, you will win 25.23 percent of the time, bust out 69.31 percent of the time and push 5.46 percent of the time for a net loss of 44.08 percent of the time. By standing on the “hard 16” you will win 29.01 percent of the time and lose 70.99 percent of the time for a loss of 41.98 percent of the time.

Do you hot on 16? According to most Basic Strategy, you would hit on a hard 16 when the dealer upcard is a 7,8,9,10, or face card, including Aces. The thinking is the dealer most likely has a ten in the hole, and you will need to improve your hand to win. Sure, a lot of the time you will bust, but statistically it's better to hit.

Should you hit 16 against 10? In most standard blackjack games, it is mathematically better to surrender your hard 16 against a dealer's 10 upcard rather than hitting. This is because the dealer has a very strong chance of making a hand of 17 or higher with a 10 showing, and your chances of busting with a hard 16 are very high if you decide to hit.

Is it cowardly to surrender? Acts of cowardice have long been punishable by military law, which defines a wide range of cowardly offenses, including desertion in face of the enemy and surrendering to the enemy against orders.

What are the odds of hitting 16? Player's Blackjack Odds Table

Hand ValueProbability

Should you hit on a 16 if the dealer has a face card? Increasing Your Bet in Favorable Situations

Do you stand on 16 against 10? In a double- or multi-deck game, if your 15 consists of an 8-7, hit against a dealer 10 upcard (rather than surrender). In all games, if your 16 is multi-card or the result of a pair split, stand against a dealer's 10 upcard instead of hit.

Is it smart to hit on 16 in blackjack? According to most Basic Strategy, you would hit on a hard 16 when the dealer upcard is a 7,8,9,10, or face card, including Aces. The thinking is the dealer most likely has a ten in the hole, and you will need to improve your hand to win. Sure, a lot of the time you will bust, but statistically it's better to hit.

Should I hit or stand on 16? In general, if you have a hand that totals 17 or higher, you should stand. If your total is between 13 and 16, consider the dealer's up-card before deciding whether to hit or stand. If the dealer's card is 6 or lower, then you should hit; if the dealer has a 7 or higher showing, then you should stand.

Should you stand on 16 or 17? If the total is 17 or more, it must stand. If the total is 16 or under, they must take a card. The dealer must continue to take cards until the total is 17 or more, at which point the dealer must stand.

Consider getting dealt a hand that totals 16. If the dealer has a strong hand—say she has a face card showing—you'll probably lose if you stand. But drawing is hardly better. Only a 2, 3, 4, or 5 prevents you from going over 21 and losing immediately.

Do you hit 16 vs a 7? Blackjack basic strategy sometimes calls on us to make plays that make players a little queasy. When dealt 16 while the dealer has a 7 face up, we know the right play is to hit, yet we also know we're going to bust more often than not. That was disturbing to a player who on a losing streak.

Should you always stand on 17? When the casino rules specify that dealer's must hit their soft 17 (rather than stand), the house edge increases, meaning hitting a soft 17 is better for the dealer than standing. It's the same for players … hitting soft 17 is always better than standing.

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In this case you should try to get a good hand of 17 or above as the dealer is likely to have a strong hand considering they have a big chance of hitting a value-card 10, Jack, Queen, King. It is best to hit when holding a hand of 10 or , and stand on anything 17 and over. An ace gives you a good chance of making 21 with a hit.

When a dealer has a seven, eight or nine card it is impossible for them to make a blackjack, so your chances increase. However, they can still get a better hand of 17 or more so you will again need a strong hand to compete. It is common practice to hit on eight or less, but stand on anything 12 or higher.

When the dealer has a three, you should hit on anything eight or below and 12, while standing on anything 13 or over. Double down refers to a player doubling a bet after seeing your initial cards. Upon doubling down, one additional card must be drawn. Generally, it only makes sense to double down when your hand value is equal to 10 or This is due to you having a If your two cards initially dealt are pairs, you are offered the chance to split and you must indicate this immediately as the decision cannot be taken later.

If you choose to split, your cards will be split into two standards hands as you match the original bet with a second wager, meaning you now have the chance to double your winnings, and alternatively, your losses. In online and live blackjack it is always advisable to split if you have a pair of aces or eights. The reason behind that is because there are more value cards than any other in the deck and statistically there is a good chance of hitting at least one 21 when splitting aces.

Also, two hands of eight are easier to play when than one hand of 16, where you have a very small chance of winning. When dealt a nine the statistics tell you it is best to split as long as the dealer has a two, three, four, five, six, eight or nine. However, it is best to stand if the dealer has a seven, 10 or ace. If you have a pair of sixes and the dealer has a card between two and six, the best option is to split.

When you have a pair of sevens and the dealer has a card between two and seven it is also best to split. For a pair of fours when the dealer has a five or six, you should split, but in any other situation it is best to take another card. For pairs of twos or threes, split when the dealer has a card between two and seven, but if not, it is best to hit.

When you boil the game down to its simplest form you may think it is easy — all you have to do is make sure you reach However, you need to know what mistakes to avoid, and here are just some of the common ones to avoid. Should you hit on 16 Using signals prevents any misunderstandings and can also be used for surveillance purposes in case of any dispute.

The ace has two values — one and 11, so you have to take that into considering when you either hit or stand. When you do that, it turns out to be slightly better to hit 16 vs 10, and significantly better to hit 16 vs 7. However, even when you don't bust a 16 vs 10, you will still lose when you draw an Ace, 2 or 3 if the dealer's downcard is a Ten, giving dealer Whether you Hit or Stand 16v10 there will be a lot of blood on the floor and most of it will be yours.

I'd have to think about it a bit but I'm guessing there are a few 3-card hard 16s that should be hit against a Dealer Ten. Not only are there 5s remaining but two 6s are gone also. A 6 is a high card. Typical counts will not serve justice to the question of hitting or standing on 16 v T, because they treat 6s as low cards. A better rule for this situation is to stand if there are more 6s remaining than 5s.

If no 5s or 6s have been exposed it's probably better to stand, 6s are that strong. In Griffin's Theory of Blackjack, page 74, "effects of removal", he assigns 6s positive 1. All other cards are "low" cards, including the 7 and 8. In the hand of 78A, a close stand is called for and ALL the 5s and 6s are still out. Photo: should you hit on 16 Another example of how strong the 6 is. He says to figure a specific card is NEXT off the deck.

Ask yourself what the play would be. Then, figure that same card is the Dealer's hole card, and again ask yourself what the play would be. If the answer is the same in both situations, it is a "Key Card". In 16 v. Ten, there is only one key card, a 6, not a 4 or a 5, only a 6.

Another key card example, and there are many, would be in 15 v 9. Only the 7 fits the bill. Most counts ignore or downgrade 7s, but for the situation of 15 v 9, the 7 is the most important card in the deck, by far. I'm just playing around, trying for an impactful graphical image.

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