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Published: 01.01.2024

Betting spread vs moneyline

Moneyline and point spread wagers differ in one significant way. › betting › guide › what-does-moneyline-mean. Moneyline bets are straightforward bets on who will win a game, while spread bets take into account the point differential between the two teams. This bet is harder to win than a moneyline bet. However, there is also potential for a much better payout. Nearly all of the spread betting. Money line bets are wagers placed on a game's outcome. In essence, they are bets on which team or competitor will win any given match.
Photo: betting spread vs moneyline

If a bet is on the winner of a game, that is called a moneyline bet. If you're betting that a team will win or lose by a certain amount of points, that is. MONEYLINE: You bet on which team will actually win the game. · SPREAD: Instead of betting spread vs moneyline on who wins, you bet on whether the favored team will. › moneyline. What makes the moneyline a simple and straightforward bet is the lack of a point spread. All bettors have to do is a pick a winning side — or team or.

Spread betting explained

Is it better to bet the spread or moneyline? If you are betting on a sizable favorite, betting on the spread will offer a higher payout. But if you are betting on an underdog, betting on the moneyline will offer a higher payout.

What happens if you bet on a negative money line? The negative number shows how much has to be risked to win a $100 payout. Thus, if the money line for the team that you picked was -400, it means that if you placed a successful $400 bet, you would gain $100 on payout. This means that the bettor would have risked $400 and ultimately gained $100.

Money Line Bet: What It Means and How It Works

Can you combine moneyline and spread odds from the same game. In recent years, same game parlays, also known as SGPs, have become popular at many sports betting sites. SGPs allow bettors to place bets on multiple outcomes from the same game, including betting both the moneyline and spread together. Do you win more on moneyline or spread bets. Again, it depends on the situation.

Most spread lines have similar odds, but there is much more variation with moneyline bets. As a result, the potential payouts can be vastly different. If you are betting on a sizable favorite, betting on the spread will offer a higher payout. But if you are betting on an underdog, betting on the moneyline will offer a higher payout. What does it mean to take the points?

Taking the points means to take the underdog on the point spread. You can do this easily with Action Network's spread to moneyline converter above. By using this tool you can try and calculate discrepancies between the odds a book offers on a moneyline bet and a spread bet that they offer. This is a popular way of checking for a mispricing, because it does not require advanced data analysis in order to find an edge.

Let's look at an example. Let's look back at an NFL game from a previous season as an example for this exercise. The betting lines are as follows according to FanDuel Sportsbook :. Let's use the spread to moneyline converter to see what the moneyline odds for the Broncos should be based on the spread number and spread odds. Betting spread vs moneyline Here is what you would plug in where:.

American Gaming Association. Supreme Court. National Collegiate Athletic Assn. Global Industry Analysts. PR Newswire. Gaming Laboratories International. American Psychiatric Association. Table of Contents Expand. Table of Contents. What Is a Money Line Bet. Photo: betting spread vs moneyline Understanding Money Lines. Money Line Bets vs. Point Spread Bets.

The Bottom Line. Business Leaders Math and Statistics. Trending Videos. A money line bet is considered to be the least complicated kind of bet because what is at stake is so straightforward: who will win. Payouts still take into account the odds of a game, with the teams split into two neatly organized categories: favorite and underdog.

Gambling always involves a negative expected return—the house always has the advantage. Article Sources. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate.

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