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Published: 20.03.2024

Blackjack hit stay chart

Use these Blackjack Strategy Charts to learn the correct decision for every hand. Basic Strategy is the first step to beating blackjack with card counting. These charts tell you exactly whether you need to hit, stand, double down, split, or surrender based on your hand and the dealer's upcard. For starters, it is best to stand if the dealer shows 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. If the dealer's upcard is higher, it is best to hit and try to improve. Good online blackjack hit charts are colour coded with letters standing for the action with a key to match. For example H stands for hit, S. Looking to master blackjack strategy? We use clear charts to explain the basics and then move on to perfect strategy, so you can maximize your winnings.
Photo: blackjack hit stay chart

Blackjack Strategy Chart: 6 decks, dealer hits on soft 17, blackjack pays 6 to 5. View All Blackjack Strategy Cards and Charts. Key. H: Hit; S: Stand; D: Double. A blackjack hit chart provides guidance on exactly when it makes sense to take each action (e.g., stay, double down, split, or stand). The below chart provides. It is best to hit when holding a hand of 10 orand stand on anything 17 and over. An ace gives you a good chance of making blackjack hit stay chart with a hit. The biggest deviation is with a pair of 7s, which with 2 decks should be hit against a 10, but surrendered or stand in a 1 deck game. You should.

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Do you hit 13 against 7? In general, if you have a hand that totals 17 or higher, you should stand. If your total is between 13 and 16, consider the dealer's up-card before deciding whether to hit or stand. If the dealer's card is 6 or lower, then you should hit; if the dealer has a 7 or higher showing, then you should stand.

Should I hit on 14? Suppose you're on 14. Any card 7 or below is good, but the six cards higher than the 7 are bad. Therefore if you hit on 14, you have a slightly better than even chance (7/13 = 54%) of improving your hand, and you are slightly less likely (6/14 = 46%) to go bust.

When to hit and when to stay? In general, if you have a hand that totals 17 or higher, you should stand. If your total is between 13 and 16, consider the dealer's up-card before deciding whether to hit or stand. If the dealer's card is 6 or lower, then you should hit; if the dealer has a 7 or higher showing, then you should stand.

Does the dealer hit on 17 or stay blackjack? When the dealer has served every player, the dealers face-down card is turned up. If the total is 17 or more, it must stand. If the total is 16 or under, they must take a card. The dealer must continue to take cards until the total is 17 or more, at which point the dealer must stand.

Should you hit or stay on 13? If your total is between 13 and 16, consider the dealer's up-card before deciding whether to hit or stand. If the dealer's card is 6 or lower, then you should hit; if the dealer has a 7 or higher showing, then you should stand.

Should you always stay on 17? If it's good enough for the dealer, it's the same for players … hitting soft 17 is always better than standing. Therefore, one of the golden rules of smart play is this: No matter what blackjack game you are playing, never stand on soft 17.

What is the rule for hit or stay in blackjack? When to hit or stand in blackjack? When playing blackjack there are two options – to hit or to stand. To hit is an instruction given by players to the dealer to request an extra card and can be indicated in verbal form or by simply tapping the table. To stand is to hold your total and end your turn.

Should you hit or stay on 12? If you stand with 12, there's a good chance the dealer will end up with a higher total than you. The dealer has a 3, which is not a very strong card. They have a pretty good chance of busting (going over 21) if they hit. By hitting on 12, you have a chance to improve your hand.

Blackjack Strategy Chart: 6 decks, dealer hits on soft 17, blackjack pays 6 to 5

One of the worst case scenarios is when the dealer has an ace. In this case you should try to get a good hand of 17 or above as the dealer is likely to have a strong hand considering they have a big chance of hitting a value-card 10, Jack, Queen, King. It is best to hit when holding a hand of 10 or , and stand on anything 17 and over.

An ace gives you a good chance of making 21 with a hit. When a dealer has a seven, eight or nine card it is impossible for them to make a blackjack, so your chances increase. However, they can still get a better hand of 17 or more so you will again need a strong hand to compete.

It is common practice to hit on eight or less, but stand on anything 12 or higher. When the dealer has a three, you should hit on anything eight or below and 12, while standing on anything 13 or over. Double down refers to a player doubling a bet after seeing your initial cards. Upon doubling down, one additional card must be drawn. Generally, it only makes sense to double down when your hand value is equal to 10 or This is due to you having a If your two cards initially dealt are pairs, you are offered the chance to split and you must indicate this immediately as the decision cannot be taken later.

If you choose to split, your cards will be split into two standards hands as you match the original bet with a second wager, meaning you now have the chance to double your winnings, and alternatively, your losses. In online and live blackjack it is always advisable to split if you have a pair of aces or eights. The reason behind that is because there are more value cards than any other in the deck and statistically there is a good chance of hitting at least one 21 when splitting aces.

Also, two hands of eight are easier to play when than one hand of 16, where you have a very small chance of winning. When dealt a nine the statistics tell you it is best to split as long as the dealer has a two, three, four, five, six, eight or nine. However, it is best to stand if the dealer has a seven, 10 or ace.

If you have a pair of sixes and the dealer has a card between two and six, the best option is to split. When you have a pair of sevens and the dealer has a card between two and seven it is also best to split. For a pair of fours when the dealer has a five or six, you should split, but in any other situation it is best to take another card.

For pairs of twos or threes, split when the dealer has a card between two and seven, but if not, it is best to hit. Blackjack hit stay chart When you boil the game down to its simplest form you may think it is easy — all you have to do is make sure you reach However, you need to know what mistakes to avoid, and here are just some of the common ones to avoid.

Using signals prevents any misunderstandings and can also be used for surveillance purposes in case of any dispute. Also, two hands of eight are easier to play when than one hand of 16, where you have a very small chance of winning. When dealt a nine the statistics tell you it is best to split as long as the dealer has a two, three, four, five, six, eight or nine. However, it is best to stand if the dealer has a seven, 10 or ace.

If you have a pair of sixes and the dealer has a card between two and six, the best option is to split. When you have a pair of sevens and the dealer has a card between two and seven it is also best to split. For a pair of fours when the dealer has a five or six, you should split, but in any other situation it is best to take another card.

For pairs of twos or threes, split when the dealer has a card between two and seven, but if not, it is best to hit. When you boil the game down to its simplest form you may think it is easy — all you have to do is make sure you reach However, you need to know what mistakes to avoid, and here are just some of the common ones to avoid. Using signals prevents any misunderstandings and can also be used for surveillance purposes in case of any dispute.

The ace has two values — one and 11, so you have to take that into considering when you either hit or stand. Feel like you are now ready to try blackjack. Head over to our blackjack and live blackjack tables. Photo: blackjack hit stay chart Begin playing on many more entertaining games including slots and slingo at Grosvenor Casino. For those who prefer the actions of sports betting , we are offering the best odds when it comes to Football Betting, Horse Racing and many more.

Visit our sports page for more details on the latest odds. A soft three against against a four is usually a double down for me. It was informative when you talked about how it is important to use signals to prevent misunderstandings when you are playing Blackjack.

It seems like it could be a good idea to ask the dealer if there are any signs or rules that you need to specifically follow. A soft 3 A2 is not a double on a dealers 4 up card—only double your A2 against a dealers 5 or 6. You are betting that they are going to break. A comment is indeed a way of not only building a personal link, but also appreciating the blog post.

I appreciate you for the tips. Thanks we are provide BestCasino-News. Best casino news site. I am so fat i havent seen my penis for a while now. For example, players should hit if you have from five to eight for a hard hand and on 12 to 15 for a soft hand; double on a 10 if the dealer has two to nine with a hard hand and on 18 if the dealer has two to six on a soft hand; and finally never split fives, or 10s.

While the blackjack strategy chart does not guarantee you will win if you choose to do the move it does mean you are playing at your best in terms of statistics. We mentioned above a few rules to possibly remember which are examples of optimal play, however we will give more depth to the following examples. If the dealer has anything from a two to an Ace, players should hit when they have anything from a four to an eight with a hard hand.

When a player has a nine they should hit on any card the dealer may have but double down if they have a three to six if possible. These are just some of the possible examples of playing at your optimum when you have a hard hand. Again, the moves vary between the two different blackjack strategy charts. With a soft hand, the best blackjack strategy says you should stand for more possible combinations when the dealer hits on a soft 17, and less when the dealer stands on a soft An example of this is when a dealer has a six and the player has a soft 19, with the rules that the dealer has to hit on a soft 17, it is recommended players double down if available.

When the dealer stands on a soft 17 it is recommended the player stands. There are a few combinations where this occurs so it is important to know which chart you need. As mentioned above it is suggested never to split fives or 10s. Splitting Aces and eights is a prime example of optimal blackjack play. It is also suggested to only split fours when the rule that you can split after doubling is in place but this only applies when the dealer has a four or a five.

There are some situations when it is borderline on when to split in blackjack , so your situation and table position may play a role.