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Published: 22.02.2024

Sports records never to be broken

In sports, many famous examples of records will never be broken. › › News. The Top 25 Sports Records That Will Never Be Broken · The Top 25 Sports Records That Will Never Be Broken · Tampa Bay Buccaneers Losing Streak. From Wilt Chamberlain to Joe DiMaggio, here are some of the current records will never be beaten. Advertisement. Ron Hunt gets hit by a pitch We reveal the most epic sports records ever achieved.
Photo: sports records never to be broken

These are five sports records that will never be broken! Subscribe to our sports newsletter! There are some records in professional sports that will never be broken. The fans know it. Other players know it. World records in athletics are ratified by World Athletics. Athletics records comprise the best performances in the sports of track and field, road running. Take Joe DiMaggio, for example, whose consecutive game hitting streak is one of many records to beat in baseball, but some may not know that getting a sports records never to be broken.

Here are some sports records that were not meant to be easily broken

5 Records in Athletics That May Never Be Broken, Including Usain Bolt’s Sprint Records

For many players, making contact in 56 consecutive games is challenging enough, let alone getting a hit a day for nearly two months. Pete Rose made a run at it in with a game hitting streak. No player has reached 40 since. What a year for Major League Baseball in Just two players have hit at least. As Albert Pujols — now stuck on home runs — proved in getting released by the Angels, Father Time almost always win.

In , Buffalo Bills quarterback Nathan Peterman threw five interceptions in the first half of a game against the San Diego Chargers. Hardy was driving to Comiskey Park for the game and was involved in a car accident. He arrived in time for the kickoff, but played without warming up. In the second half, Cardinals coach Curly Lambeau tried to rescue Hardy from the nightmare by inserting Frank Tripucka at quarterback.

In the next game, Hardy threw for six touchdowns and just two interceptions for quite a down-and-up start to a season. Nevers scored every point in a rout of the rival Bears. A traditional player would have to score seven touchdowns. The most any player has ever scored is six.

She won her first Grand Slam championship in and dominated for nearly the next two decades. Naomi Osaka, 23, has four major championships. However, she was also one of the most tested athletes in the history of sports, and never once did she fail. Her absolutely scintillating m time from the Olympics still has yet to be challenged in earnest; the closest anyone has come was Allyson Felix at the Olympics, and even she was well short with a time of Sittler absolutely went off against the Boston Bruins, lighting up poor rookie goaltender Dave Reece for six goals and four assists.

A Hall of Famer, Sittler is at least a legitimately good player who had a career worthy of this crazy record. We could eventually see someone top this one; 15 others have reached eight points in a game, with Sam Gagner of the Oilers being the most recent player to do it in Given all the great scorers in the NHL right now and the general boost in scoring over the last five years, even though it may take a while we'll probably see this one at least get tied.

It would seem that a relatively modest total like seven no-hitters would be catchable, but what you have to consider is how difficult it is to throw one in the first place. Sports records never to be broken In baseball's modern era since , there have been a total of no-hitters thrown. While Verlander does have an outside shot at Ryan's record, the more potent offenses of this current era make it exceedingly unlikely he'd be able to throw five over the rest of his career.

Everyone essentially stopped playing defense, which meant that the number of possessions each team had per game went through the roof. Beyond Wilt Chamberlain, few benefited more from this offensive boom than Oscar Robertson, whose triple-double average was surely buoyed by the fact that the team points per game average that year Because we'll never see such little emphasis placed on defense again, the likelihood of a player being able to sustain that kind of output for a while season is also pretty low.

If LeBron can't do it, no one will. There was a lot of fanfare last year when Lionel Messi scored 91 goals in the calendar year. He was rightly celebrated for an extraordinary accomplishment that was the product of incredible skill, perfect health, and a whole mess of matches in which to play. And after all that, he was still 40 percent short of the goals he needed to break Pele's record.

While FIFA refuses to officially acknowledge any of the records, on their own website they offer that Pele did indeed score the he claims he did. That's good enough for us. Maybe it's a technicality, but this play will never be beaten, ever. Sure, someone could tie it, but this is a list of "unbreakable records," after all.

There was a time where Cromartie was known as more than just a below average cornerback with a strong seed and big mouth; he was a big play specialist for the Chargers who had speed to burn, and on this night he proved it. Teams remember this play when attempting long field goals now, though, so it is less likely than ever that someone would even have a shot at attempting such a long return.

Considering a team has to forfeit a soccer match if they are down to fewer than seven players on the field, this is a real head scratcher. Photo: sports records never to be broken The volume of people needed to be sent off to reach the magic number of 36 defies all logic, and if a ref is issuing this many cards then chances are nobody's listening to him anyway.

This record could maybe be equaled if we brought soccer refs out into the middle of riots as police had them try to use red cards instead of riot gear. Beyond that, we don't see this total being equaled in any sort of controlled sporting environment. After the Oprah-induced series of revelations, this one obviously needs an asterisk.

But ask yourself this: Who wasn't doping at this point. And if everyone was doping, isn't that essentially a level playing field. And if it's a level playing field, is this achievement any less remarkable. One crash during this race can absolutely ruin your chances, and yet Lance was able to avoid any such problems for seven full years. Especially now that the sport is allegedly clean, we'd be impressed if someone could win three in a row.

The "Pocket Rocket" was a winner to the highest degree, and was a vital part of the Canadiens' NHL dynasty in the '50s and '60s. In a career that spanned 21 seasons, he managed to win titles in over half of them. It actually seems conceivable that this one could be topped by a player perhaps a goaltender who manages to play well into his forties.

Even then, though, with the salary cap structure in place it seems far less likely that any kind of dynasty could really take hold. Plus, it would be a shame if we lost the right to say "Pocket Rocket" all the time. Running a marathon is hard.

Running it fast is even harder. Winning a world-famous marathon where the top competitors from all across the world train for months on end for this one race. Almost impossible. So if anyone thinks they can take down a staggering nine of these, good luck to you. What is really amazing about Grete Waitz's achievement is that she won her nine in 11 years.

You have to wonder, though, with skills like that, what the hell happened in those two years she didn't win. This Bulls team was incredible on a number of levels: they lost two home games all season, dropped two in a row just once and really should have had 73 wins their starters all played limited minutes in their 10th loss, and they still fell by just one point. When you have someone as pathologically competitive as Michael Jordan, you're going to win a lot of games simply due to the fact that he wants it more than anyone else.

Unless someone like that comes along again which is unlikely to say the least , this record may never fall. The Pistol was put on planet Earth to score. For a college player to do it every night at such a prolific rate is simply amazing, and it would take an absolute perfect storm for someone to challenge the record now. Given the intense media coverage that comes with any sort of streak like this, even someone playing in a mid-major conference would have a hard time staying strong under the scrutiny that would invariably follow him at every turn.

If there was nobody else on the ice, it would be pretty tough to skate a puck down inside the blue line and score three times in 21 seconds. Add in defensemen and goalies, and it's nearly impossible. Mix in the fact that after almost every goal in a hockey game there's a line change, and you've reached other worldly status.

This one simply isn't happening again, period. Before LeBron talked about how big a winner he wanted to be, Russell showed everyone just what it meant to get it done year in and year out. Not only did he win 11 rings, but he did it in a playing career that lasted just 13 seasons. Every time a team wins a title they talk about how hard it is to win just one, but to do it 11 times?

That's just insane. Considering only two franchises in the NBA have won more than six titles in their history, we're not sure anyone is going to catch In this age of "One and Done," it seems impossible that a coach could get one generation of stars to stay in school for four years, let alone two or three groups of players.

Could John Calipari attempt to recreate the Wooden magic by bringing in seven different classes of five-star freshmen every year. We suppose it's possible. Afc pace Even so, though, as we saw with Nerlens Noel already this year even the most talented teams are always one bad step away from being just another team. In the last 15 years, the average NHL-leading point total for a season was just under Think about that for a second.

The best the league has to offer is almost exactly half as good as Wayne Gretzky was in And this was no aberration, either; he exceeded points in a season four times in a five-year stretch and was incredibly close and two others. The most rebounds in a single game since the season is 35 by Charles Oakley. To approach Chamberlain's 55, you'd need incredible skill which many players obviously have combined with a size disparity that nobody can overcome and rules that create lots of chances for boards that, not so much.

Chamberlain played in an era where practically nobody was even in the same category as him physically, with Bill Russell, Walt Bellamy, and Bob Pettit being the lone exceptions. Each team also had significantly more possessions per game, on average, which thus created many more rebounding opportunities.

With so many guys of roughly similar stature and defense actually being an important part of a game now, there is no way anyone can touch this record. Many Triple Crown races come down to the wire, given the incredible time and care spent training each horse. In , though, the playing field was anything but level. In one of the great displays of dominance in the history of sports, Secretariat sent the rest of his competition to the glue factory with a performance so stunning that even years later no horse has come remotely close to approaching it.

The next-longest victory occurred in which was 25 lengths , and in the modern era the closest anyone has come was Smarty Jones at the Preakness with an Nobody is beating this horse, which will go down throughout history as the greatest racer who ever lived. We know what you're thinking. Yes, an NBA game is 48 minutes long. Surely this has to be some kind of mistake.

While it's true that a game is only 48 minutes long, it goes up to 53 minutes when you play overtime. When you play as many overtime games as Chamberlain's Philadelphia Warriors five regular, one double and one triple , it depends solely upon your best player to never get hurt, and if that happens you've got a recipe for an over MPG average. This one will never happen again, as any coach who keeps a star player in for that long in today's game would be fired immediately.

Say what you will about his personality and what he allegedly did to get this record, but Barry Bonds has never been convicted of anything. So, if you ask us, this record is just as legitimate as any other set in the steroid era of baseball. The combination of health, luck, and incredible physical strength and stamina required to hit this many home runs makes catching this record a near-impossibility.

Then again, we don't want to count out the scientists hard at work right now trying to create the next home run-crushing monster. Brett Farve is one of the best ever to sling a football in the quarterback position. Between and , Farve completed the unfathomable and played in a staggering consecutive games.

That's not even including playoffs, which would boost that number to This is even more impressive considering how often quarterbacks sustain injuries. Farve also played the night his father passed away and threw for passing yards that game. Peyton Manning is the closest to this record with starts.

We had to bring Wilt "The Stilt" back out once more for this remarkable feat. He scored in a game and also grabbed the most rebounds with 55 back in Despite his Goliath effort, his team still ended up losing that game to the Boston Celtics. Sports records never to be broken No one since has passed even 37 rebounds in an NBA game. The next closest to the record is Bill Russell with 51, but his playing days are far from over.

Maybe give it five more decades, and someone might come close again. Don't hold your breath though. You may not recognize the names John Isner and Nicolas Mahut, and that's okay. Neither had particularly memorable tennis careers. They did, however, participate in one of the most memorable, and longest, tennis matches of all-time.

At Wimbledon in , the pair faced off in what ended up being an exhausting and record setting 11 hour match. We just don't see how this record will ever be broken. Or how these two survived to play another match. For the winner, Isner, that match was the next day. He lost in a very brief 74 minute takedown.

Then he slept for a very long time. They lost every game their first year, then another 12 to start their second year. The 26 game losing streaking is the longest in NFL history. It's hard enough to lose 16 games, so 26 might never happen again. The Buccaneers were so bad that when they did win their first game, that team's coach was immediately fired. Two years later the team turned it around and made it to the NFC Championship game where they lost to the Rams.

The NBA doesn't believe in assists anymore. Aside from Russell Westbrook, players rarely focus on passing and assists. That makes John Stockton's record 15, assists even more unbreakable. The next closest to Stockton is Jason Kidd with 12, To set his monstrous record, Stockton averaged ten assists a game over he career. He also lead the league is assist from until and had over 1, assists in seven separate seasons.

Chris Paul is the league's active assists leaders with just under 9, Against the Boston Bruins in , Sittler lit up the score board with six goals and four assists. The Bruins rookie goalie never recovered emotionally we think. But in the modern NHL era, even with the new emphasis on scoring, it's still hard to get a hat trick three goals.

There was a time in MLB when it would have been conceivable for another pitcher to throw seven no-hitters. The greats used to not worry about pitch counts or inning limits. These days, its incredibly unlikely any pitcher will match Nolan Ryan's career record of seven. With the way the game is managed now, we might never see a no-hitter again.

Managers routinely take starting pitcher out in the middle of historic nights just to save their elbows. Some teams are considering doing away with starting pitchers entirely and just having every game be a bullpen game. This record is unbreakable by default. In , Antonio Cromarties returned a missed field goal from the exact back of the endzone, then ran the ball the entire length of the field to score a touchdown.

The distance was yards. That distance can be matched, but it can never be broken. The record was set during Cromartie's second season in the league. After the season ended, the former return all-star retired. He may be gone, but he definitely won't be forgotten thanks to his record setting legs. Technically, the act of handing out 36 red cards in a match should be impossible.

In , however, an Argentinian referee very much found a way to make it possible after a brawl broke out between both teams in the second half. To punish the teams, referee Damian Rubino issued Red Cards to every player, as well as 14 coaches. After the match, reaction was mixed.

One coach thought the other team was trying to kill him. Another said the ref overreacted and that most players were trying to stop the fight. He set perhaps a more incredible record, winning 11 Stanley Cup titles. Take that, Tom Brady. It's hard to win one championship in a career. To spend more than half of a career enjoying victory parades is just ridiculous.

If you really think there is anyone who might break this record one day, we won't believe you. Then the Golden State Warriors won 73 games, setting a new record that is seemingly impossible to break. In the NBA in , it's hard to see a team that will win 74 games.

We guess you can never say never though. The Warriors proved the doubters wrong once, what team will do it next. Did you also know he holds the record for most points in a single season, and it's a doozy. In , Gretzky scored points. It was one of four times he scored more than points in a season. Most NHL offensive players are ecstatic to score goals in a season.

Gretzky wasn't happy unless he had every single defender scared when he came skating down the ice with the puck. Barry Bonds set the single season home run record when he bashed 73 balls over the fence in one season. Playing during the "steroid era" you can argue all you want the record doesn't count, but the books don't agree.

Since that season, no one has come close to challenging Bonds for the record. As MLB moves into a new "power era," it's fair to ask if someone like Giancarlo Stanton might one day break the record. It's possible, but seems highly improbably to us. This is one of the hardest records to break. In , Fernando Tatis was lucky enough to come to bat twice in the same inning with the bases loaded.

Both times, he hit grand slams. To be clear, other teams have hit two grand slams in one inning, but never by the same player. In order for this record to be broken, a batter would have to come up three times in one inning with the bases loaded. He would then have to hit a home run. Good luck.