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Published: 25.12.2023

How does over under work

The most common type of over-under bet is on the combined score of two teams in a match. In this case. A bet on the over means you think both teams will combine to score more goals, points, or runs than the total listed. Conversely, an under bet. The Over/Under is a set of odds in which you bet on whether the combined score will add up to more or less than the projected total number set by oddsmakers. An over–under or over/under (O/U) bet is a wager in which a sportsbook will predict a number for a statistic in a given game and bettors wager that the. Over/Under is where you bet if the score will be UNDER or OVER the point total given (total points scored for the whole game between both.
Photo: how does over under work

An over/under bet, also known as a total bet, is a wager on the combined score of both teams how does over under work a game. The sportsbook sets a line, which is the. › article › what-is-over-under-in-betting. Over/Under betting is a wager on the total number of points in a game, also known as totals betting. Bettors can wager whether or not the combined total. An over/under is a bet on the total amount of something to occur, either points in a game, points scored by a player, yards for a player, etc.

What is the over/under in sports betting?

Over-Under Bet: Definition, Types, and Examples

If you like how one of the pitchers matches up with the opposing lineup, maybe bet the under. What happens if it finished and the total runs in the game match eight. In this NBA game, the total is not a whole number. They return all original bets and get nothing. As long as there is a winner or loser, they can make money. If the final score is Celtics for a combined point total of , the under bets win.

If, instead, the Lakers added a meaningless free throw in the last second, and then the Celtics ran out the clock for a win, the over bets win. In the previous two examples, the overs and unders all had odds. That is common but not guaranteed. This is commonly referred to as the juice.

The under bet is even money, meaning a winning bet would double the amount placed on the bet. This is more common in low-scoring sports. However, in hockey, moving a line by half a goal is a big difference. This is especially true in soccer, where is considered a high-scoring game. As a result, a very common total for soccer is 2.

Totals are also frequently represented in prop bets. For example, betting if Steph Curry will make more than 4. This also includes more creative bets. How does over under work A famous example of this is betting on the time of the national anthem at the Super Bowl. A time will be listed, say two minutes and two seconds, for the length of the anthem.

If the singer finishes it in one minute, 59 seconds, then the under would win. A lot of things go into how a total is determined. In basketball, the tempo is a huge factor. Up-tempo teams or bad defensive teams are going to have higher totals. In baseball, if a left-handed pitcher is facing a team whose best hitters all bat left-handed, the total might be a bit lower.

Weather is also a big factor for outdoor sports. If the wind is blowing out at Wrigley Field, the total is usually going to be high. If Lambeau Field is a snowy, slippery mess, the total is likely to be lower. Make sure you know these things before placing a bet because these are all factored into a line.

Get all-access to exclusive stories. Subscribe to The Athletic for in-depth coverage of your favorite players, teams, leagues and clubs. Photo: how does over under work Try a week on us. Dan Santaromita is a senior editor for sports betting at The Athletic. He is a University of Missouri graduate who resides in Chicago. In sports betting, an over-under bet is a bet on whether a specific statistic for a game will be higher or lower than a pre-agreed value.

This type of bet is also known as a total bet. The most common type of over-under bet is on the combined score of two teams in a match. In this case, a bettor will wager that the total number of points scored in a game will be higher or lower than a set value. If they are correct, they will win. The bet is called a push if the actual number exactly equals the over-under, in which case all bets are refunded.

Over-under bets go by several names. All of these names refer to the same type of bet, though. In an over-under bet, a sportsbook will predict a number for a given game. Most commonly, this is the total number of points that will be scored. Bettors will then wager that the actual number will be higher or lower than this prediction.

With this type of bet, you are not trying to predict the actual score of a match. Instead, you might feel that there will be more points scored than the sportsbook is predicting, or fewer. The best way to understand this is with a simple example. This is a high total for the NFL, and you might think that the defensive strength of these teams will prevent that many points from being scored.

You would therefore place an over-under bet that the score will be lower. In the rare case that a score is exactly the same as the quoted value, the bet is called a push, and all over-under bets are refunded. Though this bet is most commonly made with the combined score of the two teams, many other statistics can be used, including:.

Over-under bets are popular with people who are new to sports gambling because they work in a simple way. Over-under bets are among the most popular wagering options in sports betting, behind point spreads and moneyline bets. They are also easier for the beginner to understand than teaser bets. Over-under bets can be good for beginners, says Steven Petrella , deputy editor of The Action Network, a sports media company, and in some ways might be better than point spreads or moneylines because they're more intuitive.

Though over-under bets can relate to a wide variety of statistics, the most popular is the total points scored. The aim of a sportsbook is to have an equal number of bets on either side of the over-under for a given game. They will therefore post what they think is the most likely value for the over-under.

Sportsbooks will also set the vigorish or vig for an over-under bet. However, sometimes there may be an imbalance between the number of bets on over, and the number on under. In this case, the sportsbook will try to even out the numbers. They can use two strategies to do this:. When it comes to paying out, a standard bet on a total is treated just like a point spread. The sportsbook will take its cut, and then pay out to the winners.

The payout on an over-under bet depends on more than just predicting the score correctly. Ass smacking competition You should also pay attention to the odds also called the vig or juice so you know how much that sportsbook will take out of your winnings. This will be displayed as odds.

It can get a little more complicated. In lower-scoring sports like baseball, soccer, and hockey, sportsbooks often adjust the juice before the total number. If Team X wins , under bettors win. If they win , over bettors win. In , the Supreme Court gave U. It is still fully illegal in 8 states, including California, Utah, and Texas. If the over-under hits on the exact number, that's called a push.