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League of legends best top lane champions

1 · Cassiopeia · % ; 2 · Akshan · % ; 3 · Warwick · % ; 4 · Urgot · % ; 5 · Olaf · %. B-Tier Top Champions: · Gwen · Vayne · Jax · Cho'Gath · Yorick. Yorick has seen better days, and although your only reliable build will. Statistical LoL Top Lane Tier List, Patch Updated hourly with the best champions to play in Solo Queue based on the latest stats from millions of. Jayce is good too, jax, darius, aatrox, etc. as well. Upvote. › Esports News › LoL Esports.
Photo: league of legends best top lane champions

Tryndamere, Malphite, Teemo, Maokai, Nasus, Poppy, Sett, Mordekaiser, Garen, Darius, Renekton. S+ Tier Top Champions: · Darius · Camille · Mordekaiser · Malphite · Skarner. With the recent rework, Skarner has quickly gained notoriety and viability in solo. Statistical League of legends best top lane champions Top Lane Tier List, Patch Updated hourly with the best champions to play in Solo Queue based on the latest stats from millions of. Poppy. The first champion on our list is Poppy, who is a very basic yet versatile and strong Top Laner in League of Legends. She can be.

Best Top Laners For Season 14 Patch 14.6 of League of Legends

Who is the best top laner pro player? Bai "369" Jia-Hao is regarded as the best top laner in the world by many for his incredible versatility and adept champion pool. His ability to fulfill the role of a tank while also being able to pilot-carry champions makes him a highly valuable asset for JD Gaming.

Best Top Laners For Season 14 Patch 14.6 of League of Legends

In terms of survivability, you should pick Second Wind or Unflinching. Item-wise, Fiora should pick Ravenous Hydra as her first item. Complete the first trio of core items with a Death Dance if you need resistances. Chempunk Chainsword can also be a good situational item against champions with lots of sustain: Pick if necessary. The champion is fantastic in solo fights mostly due to her Q, Lunge , which deals quite a lot of damage and has a low cooldown at max rank.

Afterward, you should put points in your E, Bladework , so that you can increase your damage during skirmishes and fights. Fiora is a fantastic solo laner, but she struggles a lot with wave clearing since she has no tools to take care of minion waves as quickly as other top laners. Her Q and W make it easy to close the gap and dodge upcoming attacks, though, giving her a strong advantage in skirmishes.

For these reasons, you should always try to bully out the enemy top laner by making short and fast trades, ideally hitting the vitals. Once you unlock your ultimate, you ideally want to cast it on a squishy target and delete them almost instantly by hitting all the vital points. This, however, is easier said than done.

You will need to evaluate the situation in every game. If you fall behind, you should try split-pushing. The top lane champion pool has been getting more and more diverse over the last patches, and Camille is making a return as a top-tier pick. The keystone rune is still Conqueror. This equips her to push her lead and duel any champion that stands in her way. These are pretty common runes from this tree.

The build for Camille is slightly different compared to the past. While her main item is still Trinity Force , her second core item is now Ravenous Hydra. League of legends best top lane champions Having said that, you usually want to start with Tactical Sweep , first since it guarantees a good level one short trade and gives immediate sustain.

The game plan on Camille is to make sure you can kill the strongest threat on the enemy team. She has great backline access and good enough damage to kill a carry single-handedly. That said, Camille needs a few items before she can start doing her own thing. Therefore, her main goal will be to focus on farming and waiting for those two core items.

Once she gets both, you should play on the side lane most of the time and look for potential teleport plays or flanks after pushing waves. The Hand of Noxus is one of the strongest laners in the game, and as long as you have a proper understanding of most matchups, you will be able to get out of the laning phase with a substantial lead and get closer to a victory.

As Darius, your main goal is shredding through the enemy team with your powerful abilities and basic attacks. When it comes to runes, you should aim to elevate your damage even more by picking Conqueror. With that rune, you will be gaining stacks of Conqueror that provide you with adaptive damage.

Moreover, you will also heal a bit when fully stacked, allowing you to survive longer in fights. Other runes you should pick are pretty standard for AD-based bruisers. Triumph will heal you with every takedown, elevating your fighting potential. Resolve is the only sensible option for the second tree, with Second Wind and Unflinching standing out as the strongest runes.

The former will heal you after taking damage from an enemy champion, while the latter will grant you a bit of much-needed tenacity. Photo: league of legends best top lane champions You should always grab Stridebreaker as your first item for the additional AoE damage and slow. Round off the build with a Force of Nature to increase your magic resistances and a Gargoyle Stoneplate so you can tank longer during the late-game fights.

Your Q, Decimate, is the main tool for wave clearing, trading, and skirmishes. Once you max it out, you should put points in E, Apprehend, to lower its cooldown and get the increased percentage of armor penetration. As Darius, you should win against most champions in the top lane. There are some exceptions: ranged champs that can slow you down or immobilize you in one way or another, like Teemo.

Still, Darius is a very dangerous champ to play against, and you should utilize your potential by trying to start the snowball as early as the laning phase. If you manage to get off the top lane with a clear advantage over the enemy laner, you should continue to snowball. At that time of the game, hardly any enemies can match your strength unless they are fed.

Still, your main goal is to be in front of your enemies all the time—not only squishy carries but bruisers, tanks, and supports alike. Split-pushers have a weak laning presence and a weaker ability to trade damage until they get a few items. Once they get some items and can duel with their opponents, they just steamroll through the lane, taking turrets until the enemy team sends forces to stop them.

Support-style top laners are the beefiest tanks in the game. They can trade damage with their lane opponent reasonably well, but their main strength comes from surviving in their lane until they can build up enough tanky items to join their team in all-out team fights.

There are, however, a few intriguing support-style top laners that are vastly different from others. Finally, we have the top-lane hypercarries. These champions put out high damage in the blink of an eye and can usually hit multiple targets at once with high cleave and AoE damage. Skip to content Photo via Riot Games. Category: League of Legends.

The best top lane champions in League of Legends These are League's top-tier top laners for this season's solo queue. Mateusz Miter. Izabela Tomakic. Published: Mar 15, pm. Recommended Videos. Dot Esports is supported by our audience. You should look for skirmishes as early as you can preferably when you hit level six because you can easily lock down one target.

Later, group up with your team or look for flanks around objectives. If you can nuke one priority target with your flank, that should be a guaranteed objective and a won team fight. Remember to use your teleport as often as you can to split push and then join a team fight when the enemies least expect it.

Gragas has an amazing setup but falls off later in the game and becomes team-dependent. Malphite has been and always will be one of the best top laners who can punish AD-heavy team comps. Given that Malphite is a tank although he can be played as a burst mage with the right build in mid or bot lane as a support , you should go choose Grasp of the Undying from the Resolve tree as your main keystone.

You should then follow that up with Shield Bash because of your passive, Conditioning , and Overgrowth. Finally, choose attack speed, and health growth. If we presume you picked Malphite in a heavy AD comp, your optimal build path should look like this: Sunfire Aegis , Plated Steelcaps , Thornmail , Frozen Heart , and then any other tank item you might need.

You can opt for magic resistance items if you need them, or lean in the armor build with more similar items. You can use Seismic Shard to poke down your enemies and stack Grasp of the Undying, and when you finally unlock your ultimate, use it on a priority target. Nfl prop Simply spend the laning phase trying to stack Grasp of the Undying and farming.

Later in the game, stick to your team as much as you can and try to zone out enemies off objectives. Trust me, AD carries are scared of you, even if you build a full tank. Catch waves in side lanes, and then go back to your team when an objective is about to spawn. You are reliant on your team to deal damage, and all you can do is to ensure you have a clean engagement.

When it comes to playmaking top laners that can change the outcome of a game with their high carry potential, Fiora is one of the best champions. With Fiora in the hands of an experienced player, she can outplay her enemies in most solo skirmishes and provide valuable damage and impact in team fights. This is why her win rates skyrocket the higher you go on the ranked ladder.

Fiora is an aggressive fighter who goes for short trades during the laning phase, so the best keystone rune is Conqueror from the Precision tree. With that under your belt, you will increase both your damage and sustain at all stages of the game. Legend: Alacrity and Last Stand give you a lot of dueling power and will help you once you start split-pushing. The other runes from the secondary tree have the goal of increasing survivability and split push potential.

Demolish works perfectly since it makes you charge powerful attacks against towers. With that, Fiora will always pose a significant threat in solo lanes, especially later in the game when she gains a heap of attack damage. In terms of survivability, you should pick Second Wind or Unflinching. Item-wise, Fiora should pick Ravenous Hydra as her first item. Complete the first trio of core items with a Death Dance if you need resistances.

Chempunk Chainsword can also be a good situational item against champions with lots of sustain: Pick if necessary. The champion is fantastic in solo fights mostly due to her Q, Lunge , which deals quite a lot of damage and has a low cooldown at max rank.

Afterward, you should put points in your E, Bladework , so that you can increase your damage during skirmishes and fights. Fiora is a fantastic solo laner, but she struggles a lot with wave clearing since she has no tools to take care of minion waves as quickly as other top laners. Her Q and W make it easy to close the gap and dodge upcoming attacks, though, giving her a strong advantage in skirmishes.

For these reasons, you should always try to bully out the enemy top laner by making short and fast trades, ideally hitting the vitals. Once you unlock your ultimate, you ideally want to cast it on a squishy target and delete them almost instantly by hitting all the vital points. This, however, is easier said than done.

You will need to evaluate the situation in every game. If you fall behind, you should try split-pushing. The top lane champion pool has been getting more and more diverse over the last patches, and Camille is making a return as a top-tier pick. League of legends best top lane champions The keystone rune is still Conqueror. This equips her to push her lead and duel any champion that stands in her way.

These are pretty common runes from this tree. The build for Camille is slightly different compared to the past. While her main item is still Trinity Force , her second core item is now Ravenous Hydra. Having said that, you usually want to start with Tactical Sweep , first since it guarantees a good level one short trade and gives immediate sustain.

The game plan on Camille is to make sure you can kill the strongest threat on the enemy team. She has great backline access and good enough damage to kill a carry single-handedly. That said, Camille needs a few items before she can start doing her own thing. Therefore, her main goal will be to focus on farming and waiting for those two core items.

Once she gets both, you should play on the side lane most of the time and look for potential teleport plays or flanks after pushing waves. The Hand of Noxus is one of the strongest laners in the game, and as long as you have a proper understanding of most matchups, you will be able to get out of the laning phase with a substantial lead and get closer to a victory. As Darius, your main goal is shredding through the enemy team with your powerful abilities and basic attacks.

When it comes to runes, you should aim to elevate your damage even more by picking Conqueror. With that rune, you will be gaining stacks of Conqueror that provide you with adaptive damage. Moreover, you will also heal a bit when fully stacked, allowing you to survive longer in fights.

Other runes you should pick are pretty standard for AD-based bruisers. Triumph will heal you with every takedown, elevating your fighting potential.