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Published: 09.01.2024

Easy top laners

If you want to learn top lane fundamentals, Jax / Camille / Jayce / Kennen / Aatrox / Gragas are a fun mix. › blog › loleasy-top-laners. 1. Garen · 2. Dr Mundo · 3. Nasus · 4. Maokai · 5. Tryndamere. Top Lane: Garen, Shen, Nasus. Top lane is like a coin flip. It can be relatively easy to learn because you're generally working hard in your. Garen – the number one among top lane beginner LoL champions · Warwick – the best one to learn jungle · Annie – friendly to play and immense.
Photo: easy top laners

Top Lane: Garen, Shen, Nasus. Top lane is like a coin flip. It can be relatively easy to learn because you're generally working hard in your. The Best Top Laners for Beginners · 3. Garen - The Might of Demacia · 2. Malphite - Shard of the Monolith · 1. Sett - The Boss. Garen – the number one among top lane beginner LoL champions · Warwick – the best one to learn easy top laners · Annie – friendly to play and immense. S+ Tier Top Champions: · Darius · Camille · Mordekaiser · Malphite.

The best top lane champions in League of Legends

Is Master Yi good for beginners? Master Yi in League of Legends. Master Yi is a champion that is amazing for beginner junglers that want to carry games through multiple pentakills in League of Legends. While you may struggle with low health bars while jungling as Master Yi, he is great for beginner junglers because of his damage in the late game.

What is average Elo League? Silver and Gold – most players fall within these ranks, so they're considered the “average” ranks. Platinum, Emerald, and Diamond – players at this rank have a solid grasp of advanced gameplay and strategy, and have likely put a lot of hours into LoL. Platinum is considered a very respectable rank.

What is the easiest lane to play in LoL? What is the Easiest Lane to Gank in LoL

  1. #1: Top Lane. Let us start with the easiest lane to gank in League of Legends, the top lane. ...
  2. #2: Bottom Lane. Remember when we said the top lane is much longer than the middle lane? ...
  3. #3: Middle Lane. The most difficult of the three lanes to gank is the middle lane.

Can Master Yi be feared? If Master Yi is feared during his ulti, he will run away from the caster at full speed. This is a very good thing for Yi if he is attacked, say by FS, as he will run outside the range of FS abilities really fast.

What is the weak side top laner? "Weak side" is a phrase used by casters to refer to the side of the map that the jungler does not gank or spend much time on. Although this can technically refer to bottom or top lane, it is most often applied to top.

5 Easiest Top Laners to Play in LoL

The build for Camille is slightly different compared to the past. While her main item is still Trinity Force , her second core item is now Ravenous Hydra. Having said that, you usually want to start with Tactical Sweep , first since it guarantees a good level one short trade and gives immediate sustain.

The game plan on Camille is to make sure you can kill the strongest threat on the enemy team. She has great backline access and good enough damage to kill a carry single-handedly. That said, Camille needs a few items before she can start doing her own thing. Therefore, her main goal will be to focus on farming and waiting for those two core items.

Once she gets both, you should play on the side lane most of the time and look for potential teleport plays or flanks after pushing waves. The Hand of Noxus is one of the strongest laners in the game, and as long as you have a proper understanding of most matchups, you will be able to get out of the laning phase with a substantial lead and get closer to a victory.

As Darius, your main goal is shredding through the enemy team with your powerful abilities and basic attacks. When it comes to runes, you should aim to elevate your damage even more by picking Conqueror. With that rune, you will be gaining stacks of Conqueror that provide you with adaptive damage.

Moreover, you will also heal a bit when fully stacked, allowing you to survive longer in fights. Other runes you should pick are pretty standard for AD-based bruisers. Triumph will heal you with every takedown, elevating your fighting potential. Resolve is the only sensible option for the second tree, with Second Wind and Unflinching standing out as the strongest runes.

The former will heal you after taking damage from an enemy champion, while the latter will grant you a bit of much-needed tenacity. You should always grab Stridebreaker as your first item for the additional AoE damage and slow. Round off the build with a Force of Nature to increase your magic resistances and a Gargoyle Stoneplate so you can tank longer during the late-game fights.

Your Q, Decimate, is the main tool for wave clearing, trading, and skirmishes. Once you max it out, you should put points in E, Apprehend, to lower its cooldown and get the increased percentage of armor penetration. Easy top laners As Darius, you should win against most champions in the top lane. There are some exceptions: ranged champs that can slow you down or immobilize you in one way or another, like Teemo.

Still, Darius is a very dangerous champ to play against, and you should utilize your potential by trying to start the snowball as early as the laning phase. If you manage to get off the top lane with a clear advantage over the enemy laner, you should continue to snowball. At that time of the game, hardly any enemies can match your strength unless they are fed.

Still, your main goal is to be in front of your enemies all the time—not only squishy carries but bruisers, tanks, and supports alike. Split-pushers have a weak laning presence and a weaker ability to trade damage until they get a few items. Once they get some items and can duel with their opponents, they just steamroll through the lane, taking turrets until the enemy team sends forces to stop them.

Support-style top laners are the beefiest tanks in the game. They can trade damage with their lane opponent reasonably well, but their main strength comes from surviving in their lane until they can build up enough tanky items to join their team in all-out team fights. There are, however, a few intriguing support-style top laners that are vastly different from others. Finally, we have the top-lane hypercarries.

These champions put out high damage in the blink of an eye and can usually hit multiple targets at once with high cleave and AoE damage. Skip to content Photo via Riot Games. Photo: easy top laners Category: League of Legends. The best top lane champions in League of Legends These are League's top-tier top laners for this season's solo queue. Mateusz Miter. Izabela Tomakic. His Q is his only skill shot too.

As a tank, Dr Mundo will deal considerable damage while trading with the enemy as he usually picks up a Sunfire Cape. Once he has a component for this item, his trading power increases. In the late game, he will be really tanky and able to soak up a lot of damage for his team mates.

As long as he builds items that are appropriate against the enemy, you will be useful. Nasus is another very simple champion in League of Legends, but he is arguably one of the hardest on our list. It is not as simple as just focusing on farming and then being a late-game monster, even though that is pretty much what you do.

To truly master Nasus, you need to focus on surviving, trading, and getting those Q stacks in the laning phase. All Nasus players must learn how to manage waves properly. So, I would advise that you search for our wave management guide if you want to learn how to manage those waves properly.

The fourth champion on our list is maokai. Maokai is a strong meta Top Laner in LoL. He just needs some time to come online, then he will become an amazing champion throughout the mid and late game. Maokai is a great versatile pick too, so if you like the Support role, you could play him there too. What makes Maokai so good is that he has great pick potential with his W and Ultimate.

He can roam around the map, flank in team fights and lock down champions who have over extended without assistance. In team fights, he can also soak up a lot of damage due to the items he buys and his Passive. The final champion on our list is Tryndamere.

He happens to be the only non-tank champion in our list today. The reason that he is on our list is that his kit is very easy to understand, and he benefits from fighting often, which players love to do in the lower ranks. If you want to truly learn a champion in its fullest, you should learn to limit test. But if you're just starting out then team comps won't even matter all that much anyways so go ahead and play this giant rock to your hearts content.

Malphite has reliable point-and-click damage with which you can safely lane. While he is a melee champion his Q does give him a bit more range which will be great for any beginner players. You can keep your distance and still lane in peace. Finally, we get to his ultimate which is the most fun part of his entire kit. He can initiate fights with ease thanks to it and when combining it with his E after, slowing enemies trying to run away you'll be able to completely destroy your opponents.

You can also go either full tank or full AP, depending how you want to pay. Seriously, this champion might be easy, but he's versatile and fun for starters. Sett is a simple champion. He's got two fists and he knows how to use them. Miami heat knicks prediction He's also got one of the best early games from any top laner thanks to his Facebreaker and Haymaker combination.

Just pull enemies in, and if yo're next to a wall it'll even stun them for a moment, then punch them to death. It's that easy.