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Published: 30.11.2023

Who won the super bowl more afc or nfc

All games since 's Super Bowl V have been played between the best team from each of the two conferences, with the. Who has won more Super Bowls: NFC or AFC? The NFC leads the AFC in the Vince Lombardi Trophy count but only by one game, with 29 wins to Since January , the winner of the American Football Conference (AFC) Championship Game has faced the winner of the National Football Conference (NFC). The AFC picked up three consecutive wins from , while the NFC won three in a row from The NFC owns the longest win streak as. The San Francisco 49ers and the Dallas Cowboys are tied for the most wins by an NFC team in Super Bowls against the AFC, with 5 wins.
Photo: who won the super bowl more afc or nfc › story › sports › nfl › /01/22 › nfl-playoffs-w. Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs, led by last year's Most Valuable Player in QB Patrick Mahomes. In the NFC, the tile game will be in. However, the NFC leads the amount of Super Bowl wins at 27 won Super Who won the super bowl more afc or nfc, with the AFC just trailing behind with 25 Super Bowl wins. The AFC. The Chiefs and New England Patriots account for five of those six AFC victories, with the lone exception being Super Bowl 50 when the Denver.

Super Bowl Indicator: Premise and History


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